... spend those 4 minutes splitting boards and getting a perfect understanding ... the rules and do one game board and then when doing ... you have to make new boards then it might be an ... have anything to do with gameboards you've already split? Also ...
I construct a master game board, not a bunch of smaller gameboards by each question. I also do my best to front-load games by finding useful splits and/or inferences.
... really look at the master game board ; anyone can spend lots ... go (thereby needing lots of gameboards ) but really look at it ... some rules down / do sub boards but don’t over do ... he sets up the master game board .
... times before starting the game and it's something ... 've tried diagramming sub gameboards beside questions and depending on ... the type of game board it is, I ... 's a larger sequencing game with 8 dashes or ... I like drawing sub game-boards on the bottom of ...
I'm not sure everyone understands my question. I'm not talking about crossing out/erasing errors. More so, "recycling" gameboards from question to question. That way you can draw out less new diagrams when given new premises
... end you have 4 gameboards with only 1 rule ... end up having like 8 gameboards. That's what usually ... to split, the average gameboards ends up being 3. ... in play for each gameboards but its simpler to ...
Stepping back from a game can give you a better ...
... were in the third game of the real LG ... been correct based on my gameboards :( Wondering how much damage ... the art installation game or the students/plays game? I saw ... in the circular table game and I think there ... 6 in the first game which leaves 12 for ...
BTW - side question: are the MISC logic games in the MISC section b/c the gameboards are not conventional (meaning do not meet JY's set of LG gameboards)?
... it.
This game is a tough one for ... manageable. I drew out 3 gameboards, one with G (the ... of those a sub game board split with T ... key inference on this game is figuring out when ... establish in this game so splitting your gameboards accordingly makes the ...
... trying to immediately assign a game board to a specific question ... to actually understand how the game operates. Often times, especially ... use a variety of different gameboards to solve the problem. Aside ... represent the rules of the game than it is what board ...
... enough to finish the last game(s). Have you tried recording ... rules first to see which game peices are most restricted. < ... br />
-Consider whether a game is rule-driven or is ... minutes with the right inferences/gameboards that can otherwise take double ...
... enough to finish the last game(s). Have you tried recording ... rules first to see which game peices are most restricted. < ...
> -Consider whether a game is rule-driven or is ... minutes with the right inferences/gameboards that can otherwise take double ...
... writing directly onto my original game board (I'm doing mine ... of writing on my original game board and erasing would be ... videos, JY specifically instructs copying gameboards over to new versions for ...
... that (unlike JY's) my boards had been split on the ... substituted. Having these relevant sub-gameboards already at my disposal saved ... , having already worked the game and questions with an understanding ... exist in games with split boards, while some also exist in ...
Think of split gameboards as just an additional ... setting out to solve the game; sometimes it'll just ... you're using sub gameboards simply as a means of ... active attempt to solve the game: You won't be ... four, maybe five, sub gameboards if you've split effectively ...
... the type of questions the game may ask me (an intuition ... to compare your master/local gameboards to the ACs. If you ... the inferences and how the game works. This can be beneficial ...