... example, If I say allJediusetheForce and all Sith Lords usetheForce as well, then ... claim made by the argument. If I say that allJediusetheForce and I ... find a Jedi who has no ability to usetheForce ...
... very useful when sorting the questions according to difficulties ... !
bonus: the passage above provides most support ... at least some of the 7sage users miss the feature :) ... drink milk
c) allJediusetheForce
d) everybody dance ...
... something to do with the argument using a general ... that to the argument featured in the stimulus that ... second guessing myself on the answer choices with ... the second lesson of the method of reasoning curriculum JY uses the "alljediusetheforce" or "all ...
... />
E.g. AllJediusetheforce and Luke is a Jedi therefore _____ Jedi, Luke uses theforce because _____
... what was already stated in the passage and by definition, ... . You have to push the first and second sentence together ...
... 're told alljediuseforce and allforce users are jedi then you could use it but ... werent told the later, therefore we use ->. when we say alljediusetheforce, where ... do you get that jedi=force? its just ...
... :
o AllJediusetheForce.
Did you say “No JediusetheForce?” That’s not ... Jedi do not usetheForce.
See how that’s different from “No JediusetheForce ... ?” That’s how it works for all conditional statements ...
... :
o AllJediusetheForce.
Did you say “No JediusetheForce?” That’s not ... Jedi do not usetheForce.
See how that’s different from “No JediusetheForce ... ?” That’s how it works for all conditional statements ...
... 's favorite "AllJediusetheforce. Luke is a Jedi. Therefore, he uses theforce" argument. It ... force user and a Jedi, I can substitute "a force user" or "a Jedi ... if you disagree with all of the above reasoning, the other answer choices ...
... />
If I say allJediusetheForce and all Sith Lords usetheForce as well, then Luke ... Skywalker is, therefore, both a Jedi ... . The analogy of theJedi and Sith assumes that Luke is both, when all ...
... an example, "AllJediusetheforce except when they are tired."
(Jedi -> UsetheForce) -> ... ; (not tired)
Tired -> not (Jedi -> UsetheForce) The ...
Hey @"Giant Panda" , I'd love to help but I'm not entirely sure what your question is. I'm also not entirely sure what a universal statement is. Are you referring to an all statement? Something like "AllJediusetheforce"
... 're not adequately grasping the structure of the stimulus. They are perfect ... />
Stim: Alljediusetheforce. Luke is a jedi. Therefore, Luke uses theforce.
the necessary (G). That's half the work. The other half ...
... to the whole "Alljediusetheforce. Luke is a jedi. Therefore, Luke uses theforce."< ... br />
In this case, Jedi is the superset. ... can't really say "AllJedi's are Luke" because ... might very well be the last jedi... but that is a ...
... :
> "Force" on one sock. "User" on the other.
> ... -" on one sock. "HAAA" on the other.
> ... doubt, I could work with "AllJediusetheforce" as well though. I would ...
AllJediusetheforce. But if you usetheforce, you could also be a Sith. If Allforce-users on the dark-side are powerful. This statement doesn't preclude a powerful force-user who is on the light-side.