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Method of Reasoning General Principles

Stimmy TurnerStimmy Turner Alum Member

Hey everyone I tried searching through the forums to see if there were any hits and I didn't see anything but I am a little confused on general principles. I am doing pretty well on the method of reasoning portion of the curriculum knock on wood but one area that I've noticed myself wasting too much time on are on answer choices that mention something to do with the argument using a general principle. I've been getting in the habit of quickly attempting to come up with an example of whatever the answer choice is and then comparing that to the argument featured in the stimulus that I have summed up in my own words but I keep second guessing myself on the answer choices with something to do with a general principle.

In the second lesson of the method of reasoning curriculum JY uses the "all jedi use the force" or "all apples are fruit" as examples for a general principle. That makes sense to me but then I'll see some stimulus's where either a premise or conclusion will say something that I think could be interpreted as a general principle and then that gray area is the source of my question. Most recent example was form LSAT 19 Section 4 Question 18 June 1996. I got it right during blind review but it seems like this is one simple fix I can make to tighten my shot group. Does anyone have any other examples of general principles or any tips on their approach?

-Stay safe and thank you for your time!

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