... I get stuck between 2 answer choices (which used to have ... to have two super attractive answer choices. Second, I made some ... the result of not understanding key parts of the passage as ...
... the inability to understand **a key sentence** (and there are usually ... />
So I think the answer to where to focus on ... whole. This helps me to key in on important sentences.
... , you think the answer choice should reflect sufficient. Key words like answer choice implies a necessary condition ... is a sufficient assumption. This answer choice doesn't fit what ... is that we looking an answer that implies that it is ...
... write each rule out, eliminate answer choices from standard acceptable situation ... /set ups to help eliminate answer choices to avoid needlessly brute ... tons of games. Exposure is key!
... but just not enough to answer confidently. When you hit the ... re just overlooking/misunderstanding a key detail that clicks into place ... a fresh look. I answer most of my skipped questions ... from using that understanding to answer quickly and confidently. If you ...
... you can pick the correct answer during blind review or successfully ... course that's the right answer, now I feel dumb"), then ... review, or you see the answer but don't understand why ... in redoing CC or revisiting key aspects of the CC.
... to just trust my read, answer the questions, and move on ... passages, I look for the key takeaway that is the central ... Wings, Warm = Wings. You can answer all but one or two ...
... have an understanding of why answer choices are wrong and eventually ... anticipate the wrong answer choices. Consistency is the key here and I ...
... was used, choose the answer choice that interprets the word ... pineapples are gross. Choose the answer that says pineapples are gross ... specific questions. Eliminate all answer choices from Qs that touch ...
... and even anticipate the answer correctly. However, some ... thing when eliminating wrong answer choices work from wrong ... test, especially when eliminating answer choices. Usually there are ... correct answer incorrect. I actually always circle those key words.
... me the key was becoming extremely ruthless with each answer choice. ... interesting and/or relevant sounding answer choices, but often they ... hunting for very easy answer choices on things like ... rarely bother reading the other answer choices.
... how you've got to answer the questions. I'm a ... the luxury of agonizing over answer choices. I've got to ... I'm asked about a key detail, I've almost certainly ... />
Studying the question and answer choices very closely is maybe ...
... just missed a few key pieces of information but ... MUCH harder to eliminate answer choices by making a ... be confident in your answer choices. It makes me ... 't work through every answer choice on the last ... getting a somewhat good answer choice for the remaining ...
... time management would be the key to crack RC. I totally ... you don't have to answer this if it has ... go back to check my answer, I will run out ... as I see the correct answer. I think the only ... only instead of checking the answer keys immediately after taking a ...
... time management would be the key to crack RC. I totally ... you don't have to answer this if it has ... go back to check my answer, I will run out ... as I see the correct answer. I think the only ... only instead of checking the answer keys immediately after taking a ...
... time management would be the key to crack RC. I totally ... only instead of checking the answer keys immediately after taking a ... it regularly predicts the correct answer.
> ... question without knowing the correct answer or any of the ...
... on the ambiguity of the key phrase 'intelligent life.'
> ... of stimulus maybe objecting against. Answer choice C is a very ... />
> Now, knowing the right answer is (D) I'm struggling ... see which one of the answer choice describes correctly how this ...
... about how you approach answer choices and consider each ... missed those questions. The answer is personal and it could ... for different questions. The answer to that question should determine ... grammar which can be key in going through answer choices.