Help me! Practice tested 161 two times in a row before Oct Lsat (usually got anywhere from 157-160) and got a 152!!! (after basically starting off around 148). AFTER 5 MONTHS OF STUDYING
I was also going to do 2 PTs this week. One tomorrow and one Wednesday,but judging from the comments this seems like a mistake. What should we be doing the week before the LSAT?
... this point, studying for the LSAT should be your first priority ... . Give your best hours to LSAT study. When you can't ... you can submit your application before your LSAT score comes in, but ...
... having to take uni classes before the LSAT, the dismay and concern ... time to keep up your lsat study plans. We were all ... keep up your GPA, the LSAT and all of us will ...
... the T-14s have deadlines before the LSAT will be released or ... scholarships with a high Feb LSAT score to a T-14 ... answer really depends on your LSAT score and how high of ...
I tried to consistently get 5-6 hours of sleep (less than my desired 8) the whole week before the LSAT plus a really brutal workout the evening before and when Friday night rolled around I slept like a baby.
... around 10pm if not earlier before the lsat, so my statement still ... working out a few hours before bed can make you feel ... worked out a few hours before bed and managed to fall ... or do some light yoga before bed to clear my head ...
But seriously, I felt the same way. Wrote the September test with maybe a couple hours sleep at best. Thank you to everyone for all the valuable advice.