Would schools do this if they typically don't include interviews in their admissions process? And how did you ask them (i.e. Can I have an in person admissions interview?)?
... interviews in their admissions process? And how did you ask them (i ... .e. Can I have an in person admissions ... could be useful to the admissions committee.
Then ... am also inquiring if the Admissions Office/Committee offers interviews ...
... could be useful to the admissions committee.
> ... am also inquiring if the Admissions Office/Committee offers interviews either ... include interviews. I would say ask any way since there would ...
They're also a good place to ask questions of current students, chat about visit day logistics and other stuff related to admissions and deciding which school to attend. Definitely worthwhile IMHO
... it: https://law.yale.edu/admissions/cost-financial-aid/how-need ...
> Yale admissions is also sort of all ... professor. I'll have to ask my boss for another one ...
Ask him law school prepared him amply for legal practice. Ask him about his job satisfaction. Ask him the best parts of his job and the worst. And if he could redo the law admissions and law school process what would he do differently.