I was just wondering, what does it look like to a Law school when you re-take the LSAT, but get a lower score the second time? I know all the law schools i'm going to apply to do NOT average your scores, but instead consider the highest score.
... (at least at the outset) what you write down during a ... Logic Game to the second page? My last ... smaller and I refer back to the rules more because they ... all of the logic game. It turns out, at least for me ... by changing from one page to 2 pages.
... days when I used to ... what was it ... chill out? I guess I watched ... it will be interesting to see if this has gotten me out of ... think I need to prepare ahead, decide exactly what I'm going ... to work on during those ...
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That’s what the break in the LSAT does to you. If ... there.
What DDR players took to doing during this break ... , because he never actually stops what he’s doing – he’s ... to seek out a local DDR machine and pump some quarters into it ...
... and I think it could help some people outto employ a similar ... directly, here is what I've actually done to set myself up ... with each game to give yourself extra space to simulate what you'll ... deducing what needs to be done. When you take the LSAT it doesn ...
... sentence, then you know exactly what I’m talking about. < ... easier way to give the required background than what currently exists ... step toward actual comprehension of what’s going on. That ... you had to count itout. That you don’t have to count itout now ...
... do not know whatit really is. If it helps I am ... hard, and just plain out hard. I know the ... there something I can do to improve on this section? ... am reading online on how to approach certain questions, and ... of the LSAT. What I am trying to project is that ...
... , write out the most important things to know/keep ... methods, figure out where you need to modify strategies or ... to understand what pressure does to your brain (and, consequently, to your reading process): it ... your PT’s and test out your survival strategies.