My Scantron sheet says "use black No2 or HB pencils only", so I'm guessing they are similar enough. The common wisdom of the internets seems to be that a "middle of the scale" HB is pretty much a 2, but none of the scales are truly standardized.
... applications submitted by 27,183 applicants for the 2016–2017 academic ... year. Applicants are up 2.4% and ... will be around 56,631 applicants for 2016-17.
Out of curiosity, how do law schools look at applicants that have taken the LSAT 4 times in 3 years? Do they see that as persistence/hard work and continue to look at the highest score, or do they average it out and think you're crazy?
... cat)
Incorrect cat-->black (leaves out the modifier) black
Similarly for only ... cats:
Only black cats bring bad luck. (Black is the modifier ...
Correct bad luck -->Black cat
Thanks Q.E.D. Your earlier comments on a similar thread were helpful in cracking this for myself, particularly the statement "NOT NOT some ravens are NOT black"