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Building Relationships with Admissions People

hazelnut13hazelnut13 Alum Member
edited February 2016 in General 244 karma
Hey guys,

If your inbox looks anything like mine, it's probably drowning with emails from law schools encouraging you to apply and blah blah blah. Once in a while, I get an email from a school I'm actually interested in. This is where my question comes in:

If I'm applying NEXT cycle, how can I go about building a relationship with the admissions people now? Have you guys tried to? Any tips are appreciated.


  • stepharizonastepharizona Alum Member
    3197 karma
    I think one of the most important things you can do is schedule a school tour and sign up for their "law school day"

    Applicants who make an effort, sit in a class and show a real interest in the school all seem to be the building blocks of good realtionship building with admission people.

    Attending their webinar and following up with a question not answers during the session (or easily found on the website) is another way to initiate conversation.

    I'm sure other people have great suggestions as well. I can't wait to see what other people also suggest! Great question! @hazelnut13
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