Hoping to form a studygroup of about 3ish people who are committed to sticking to a study schedule with the intent of focusing on LR/RC mastery. Please send me a DM/MESSAGE to let me if you would like to join :)
... ](https://7sage.com/series/pt-blind-review/). On Monday we covered your ... encouraged to attend the associated BlindReview sessions on Monday and Tuesday ... ](https://7sage.com/series/pt-blind-review/)). You can take the PT ...
... -14 points lower than my BlindReview score (~164-165 on the ... and 176-178 on the BlindReview). I understand that there is ... difference between their Timed and BlindReview scores? Anecdotes, tips, and guidance ...
Hello everyone! I'm interested in establishing an in-person studygroup in NYC. I live in Queens, but I'm open to meeting anywhere within the city. I'm studying for the August LSAT. Let's get this W.
Hiii you guys I'm looking to find people in my area who are also studying for the LSAT right now and potentially form a studygroup so let me know if anyone is interested that lives in Western Washington primarily in the Bothell, Seattle, Bellevue area :)
... />
🔑 My goals for this group are: Each participant will teach ... . Ideally participants in the group have completed the core curriculum ... PT before meeting up. At studygroup, we will discuss the ... />
I think the studygroup will be more effective when ...
... practice test and doing a blindreview but should we still do ... to the questions to honestly blindreview them after but don't ... being efficient with studying and blind reviewing in a way that ...
Hi! I'm taking the October test and looking for a studygroup or partner in the St. Louis area. I work full-time, so my availability would be after 4:30pm during the week, and preferably morning/early afternoons on the weekends. Thanks!!
Hello! I am planning on taking the LSAT in August. Does anyone want to study together or begin a studygroup chat? I work full-time, so my best availability is evenings and weekends.
I am taking October test, so I want to form a studygroup that studies LR and RC.
I am usually available on Mondays, Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays.
Please send me a message so we could discuss further!
... to set up a zoom studygroup! I think it would be ... often and helped each other study and maybe target each of ... to set up a zoom studygroup, email me at halvarez9097@gmail ... .com. I can start a group text for anyone interested and ...
... advised me to form a studygroup, and I totally agree with ... tactics to be a successful studygroup. So, as advised, I am ... />
1. Promises must be kept. (study schedules, pt homeworks etc) study will continue until all members ...
... to form a dedicated studygroup with fellow test-takers ... .
This studygroup will offer a collaborative learning ... sessions, share resources and study materials, and provide constructive ... interested in joining this studygroup and are ready to ...
... 've created an active LSAT studygroup exclusively for Black individuals seeking ... legal education and want to study in a supportive and empowering ...