I've written an addendum and feeling very so so about it. How do I go about getting helpwith just that portion of my application, are there 7sage teachers here who can help? Thanks
... own personal embarrassment of having an issue with food ... want it to continue to affect my ability to do ... have been able to switch to healthier options and ... is hindering my ability to score higher. Does ... are the best foods tohelpwith brain function. I find ...
Hey everyone, I recently wrote a personalstatement and I would truly appreciate it if someone could review it for me. Please be very critical when you critique what I have wrote.
**Admin note: edited title (no all caps please!)**
Looking to compile a good pre 1l reading list- what are some the best booksto read before starting 1l? Any suggestions? I’m also specifically looking for a book that clearly explains the basic structure of the United States legal system.
... drilling, daily schedule, books you will read tohelpwith RC (even non-LSAT ... last 4 or 5 PTs to get my momentum back.< ... PTs, even when I want to focus. So, I end ... plan of attack is to learn how to be in the ... moment and to re-focus/center my thoughts. ...
... am just trying to make the decision whether to apply with my current ... scholarship money), or to apply to Montana in October with the 159 and ... to both schools in October with the score I have or to apply to ...
... previous administration and wanted to thank everyone for ... on addressing this problem with my doctor and ... to earn a few more points in RC. With ... should I hit the books and start studying again?< ... />
If someone is able tohelpwith even one of these questions ...
... am wondering what PT to start with since I have limited ... time to PT.
I ... on LR, and ended with RC so that is fresh ... ing, but weeks with work I'm limited to max out at ... 10 PTs. Do I start with the most recent 10 then ...
I decided to start from scratch two weeks ago and it's still a work in progress. I've had a few attorneys at my firm review it as well. Any feedback would be amazing!
I've read online the standard length for law school personalstatement is 2-page, size 11-12 font, double-spaced and for diversity statement is 1-page, size 11-12 font, double-spaced.
could anybody let me know if this is accepted practice?
Hey everybody, If anyone needs any helpwith LG I can help increase your score! I’ve done all the available games through 7Sage (I think 380 games in total). Please please message me if you need help!
Hey everybody, If anyone needs any helpwith LG I can help increase your score! I’ve done all the available games through 7Sage (I think 380 games in total). Please please message me if you need help!
I want to rant with someone about the LSAT. I've gotten to the ... my brain doesn't want to receive any more info. My ... feels congested. Don't want to be weird but finding someone ... that wants to talk about this on a ...
quick question, will any of yall be putting titles on your personalstatement or diversity statement? Debating if I should put a title on mine or not. Or if it even matters tbh
... 'm happy to say that I'm done with LSAT now ( ... />
I really need to write my personalstatement, but I keep putting ... stress over small details but to imagine the bigger picture. It ... disadvantage if I'm straightforward with it...
Should I talk ...
... />
I am more than happy tohelpwith LR and LG. I am ... , and I would love tohelp others looking to break the 150 or ... happy to meet over Google Meets to go over some questions with you ... : I’ve been so happy tohelp others this past week that ...
... Tomorrow is the last day to reschedule the Jan LSAT for ... . Maybe if I reschedule to Feb, I can get ... . I'm fairly comfortable with my chances at getting into ... the schools I want to if I get a ... nice too.
... reapplying to law school this year. I like my previous personalstatement, however ... not submitting the same exact personalstatement twice and I will not ... much one is expected to change their personalstatement when reapplying? Also, any ...
Hey, I PT in the mid 170s (sometimes low 170s) and was looking for someone to BR with once or twice a month. If you are looking for someone to BR with and are scoring in the mid 170s comment here. I would love to have someone to bounce ideas off of.
... />
(1) Questions that have to do with studies, usually in the social ... example, an experiment having to do with the learning patterns of babies ... or some study having to do with some substance and its ... sure how to get better at LR questions with these topics ...
I feel like it's a good idea to do all 4 sections tohelpwith stamina since the August will include the experimental section. I know I prefer doing PT's with 3 sections, but I curious as to what everyone is doing.