Or do you blind review every single question and if so, do you watch JY's explanation for all of them as well?
Just wanted to know what people do.
Thanks in advance!
I was just wondering...
So is there a sample of writing section?
There is explanation for LG, RC, LR, but I dont see any writing sample...
I know it does not matter, but it's still part of the test so...
So I had to take 2 semesters off at the beginning of my 3rd year in university because I had suffered from severe eating disorder... Although I had recovered from it fully since then (and this gap year happened about 7 years ago) I ...
... before I go to the explanation. It has been suggested that ... if we write out an explanation for our thought process that ... prior to viewing the video explanation, or am I complicating things ... go right to the video explanation first?
This is a phenomenon-hypothesis Strengthening question, so we are looking for an answer choice that strengthens the hypothesis or an answer choice that prevents an ...