Well for most of the LSAT's history CircularReasoning was a throwaway flaw that was just never the correct answer choice. Then along came a PT in the 80's and well..you'll see
one of my favorite examples is "Circularreasoning works because Circularreasoning works" the why part of the argument just feeds into what its attempting to prove.
... : classic flaws ( sufficiency/ necessity confusion, circularreasoning ect) and also arguments which ... are flawed because the evidence/ reasoning doesn’t support the conclusion ...
... you, but let me explain circularreasoning in my own words. circular reasoning. Basically, it is when the ... helps you to identify more circularreasoning flaws.
Thank you for all the answers - and yeah, I've been thinking the same too haha. I see so many of those choices as one of the answer choices but don't think I can recall seeing an actual stimulus where the correct flaw is circularreasoning.