... :
Last question. If I blindreviewand I get a problem wrong ... it's one month in and im getting worried even though ... on to another problem type and save some questions for when ...
... feel like I understand questions and predict (for the most ... it demands investment of time and energy but once you start ... types you are getting wrong and give them extra attention. ... the circled questions, do their blindreviewand then check the answers. Also ...
... premises. Finally, the gapbetween the conclusion and the premises (i.e ... 50% of the fight and often enough to eliminate the ... , there is a relationship between the correct answer to the ... recommendation #1 above) or gap in the argument. Four incorrect ...
... purchasing things like lottery tickets and insurance". They go one ... the logical chain between the book being published and the promotion down ... that would bridge the gapbetween "BWW+BI and BP)
It' ... need both BWW and BI to bridge the gap, but you don ...
... choose between two gaps - there will only be one, and the ... logical reasoning a gap is a gap. A gapbetween a premise and a sub ... -conclusion is just as important as a gapbetween ... a sub-conclusion and a final conclusion ...
... 't comfy with Answer D -- and I think I figured out ... D is (correctly) a NA and not (as I originally viewed ... --> S) remains an unsupported gap.
This means another ... not completely bridge the gapbetween the premise and conclusion, it's not ...
... you do a complete and total BR (blindreview) and writing out why each ... />
Getting a 170+ is difficult and rare (only about 3-4 ... to really master the test and you'll get there!
... that! Dedication is so vital and that was what I found ... you have time for proper blindreview. And sure it seemed to have ... just think following it literally and expecting a 180 is bordering ...
... a very long winded stimulus and "which principle would most justify ... that bridges the gapbetween the premises and the conclusion, and it's easier ... person to believe you would) and premise 2 to part b ...
You blindreviewand fool-proof:
1) Do the game and time yourself.< ... or under the recommended time, and got all the questions right ... Move onto the next game and repeat the aforementioned steps. review the video, and do it again.
... where you are coming from and I agree completely. When I ... else, yes I definitely blindreviewand you are all right, that' ... commentary of Prep Test 37, and I think that (along with ... . I'll improve my BR and hopefully my learning will improve ...
... we focus on the gapbetween sub-conclusion and main conclusion: a correct ... to be aware of the gapbetween each and be open to the ... LSAT writers could use that gapand write the correct answer choices ... practicing with the right habits and eventually you won't ...
... Are you doing full blindreviewand writing out explanations of ... each and every stimulus; breaking it ... is right vs wrong, and then compare it to ... how JY did it and take notes on how ... in the analytics portion and reviewing the core-curriculum ...
... />
For LR, definitely do blindreview, and try to explain why each ... questions in 15 minutes, and eventually I could do the ... reading. I always underlined and circled the passages as I ... the passage at the minimum, and understand every major argument, ...
... a 7-8 wrong loop, and I don't know why ... worst part is I do blindreviewand the answers for LR are ... in 40 min, not 35. And I have a really hard ...
... schedule to stay on track and you'll also develop within ... in your lap at once and you have no idea what ... able to spot your weaknesses and you'll know where you ... in 100% effort when you blindreviewand you'll be good to ...
... cognitive process is more automated, and I also recognize the concepts ... have to to an extensive BlindReview, and from there you need to ... back through the PT and BR and ask yourself why you ... an easy question to answer, and the thought process of figuring ...
... />
I just checked the question and it is asking for a ... necessaey assumption and not a sufficient assumption. The ... " is the assumption and the gapbetween the premise and the conclusion. Also if ...
... that with work commitments and needing to focus on ... ! You have been really helpful and encouraging! Did you / are ... of my time to PTs, blindreview, and RC drilling. I'm ... take PT, blindreview, assess problem areas with thorough reviewand argument analysis, ...