Some ideas may be but not limited to scholarships, location, course variety and/or student life. Mines are:
1. Scholarships
2. Prestige
3. Location (Urban area)
4. Career Services
5. Strong/close knit minority ...
... such interpretation? "Videogames are fun." Is that asserting that every ... single videogame is fun? I submit that it' ... that are not fun, but generally, videogames are fun. However, in ... that, yes, all videogames are fun.
Hi all! Can anyone who has completed an interview with CLS describe your interview experience? In terms of what questions were asked and how it generally goes. Thanks!
Tell me what you think your top 5 favorite courses will be with whatever prior knowledge you have about the courses. This does not have to be the end all be all LOL.
ABA 1L courses include
civil procedure
constitutional law