... quote @Pacifico from an RC thread with a similar ... big difference for RC because the passages aren't long ... a slower reader, but RCpassages are like the 40 ... especially in such short passages. RC is what it is ... should burn some older RC sections and experiment to ...
... , I have found consistently practicing RCpassages to be very helpful, if ... significant factor to improving in RC. I find repeats to be ... what's in RC so that the passages in RC seem easier. And ...
... probably feeling very similarly about RC to be honest. I have ... share some drills to improve RC as well. I have just ... the 7sage section and practicing RCpassages every third day.
... variance in difficulty between individual passages on a given test, ... and between all the passages on two given consecutive PTs ... of people find the older RCpassages somewhat easier, and perhaps more ... don't get the comparative passages, for one thing.
Go through the core curriculum before taking practice tests. I recommend studying a bit each day LG, LR, and RC. A few LR questions, 1-2 games, and 1-2 RCpassages.
... is my second language and RC was my worst section for ... just go through as many RCpassages as possible to get used ... reading style. For especially difficult passages, I pause for 10 seconds ...
... improvements until I started reading RCpassages everyday. I found this was ... speed of LR stimulus and RCpassages. After reading a passage ... everyday, dense material, preferably RCpassages and try to answer the ... first couple lessons in the RC part of the CC ...
... score until I started doing RCpassages daily. So, regardless of how ... 'd highly suggest doing an RC passage a day ASAP. Not ... will this help you on RC, but it will help you ...
... would first study RC, LR, than LG. RC takes the longest ... you go and start reading RCpassages and answering questions.
Furthermore, RC and LR complement each other ... both sections. As you do RCpassages, you will learn how ...
I started off reading the third paragraph on one of the RCpassages bc my screen somehow shifted down when I clicked to the next passage🥴 threw my rhythm off
Thank you for your sharing your explanations on many RCpassages and logical reasoning. I've read them when I am reviewing and even lost in my studies.Congratulations and hard work pays off! :)
... /etc. And just keep doing RC sections. My first section was ... getting used to how the RCpassages "hide" the important motives and ... further questions--specific or general. RC was a long road for ...
... studying. So you got this! RC is also where I struggle ... LR actually helped me with RC. Once you get a grasp ... would say drill on tough RCpassages. I use these drills from ...
... recommend simply doing many difficult passages. The problem sets feature here ... filter and sort for harder passages and topics, like science or ... . I still struggle on some RCpassages, but you can improve on ...