Put ... ’t talk about “total wealth vs. distribution of wealth” it talks ... about human indicators vs. GNP. Don’t fall for ... : We are looking for a “counter-example” for the last paragraph so ...
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I thought he was providing counter-example against the private insurance so ... , he didn't provide any example that would **contradict** the examples ...
... and @mrsamiam covered the analogy/counterexample pretty well. Basically, an ... sense.
A counterexample takes an argument like X ... it rains it pours"- a counterexample would be something like, ... It just provides an example which is contrary to ...
... know socially about the GRE vs. LSAT issue. Their school is ... a high GRE. The GMAT vs GRE example was mentioned. Unofficially, the ... very similar to the GMAT vs. GRE for b-school. B ...
Like everyone else said above, definitely not an indicator of any kind for ACs. Completely situation dependant. To give a counterexample, I feel much better with weak wording like "some" for testing the 'correct' AC for NA.
... the person that applies December Vs September could lose out as ... does the application being late vs having a few higher points ... look of your application? for example would someone with a 160 ...