Hi once I purchase will the essay editing process begin right away? I know there's a one time edit and unlimited editing. Can anyone share their experience with this?
Hi all! Looking to do an essay editing exchange. Primarily personal statements but I'd also be willing to exchange other essays or resumes as well. Comment or inbox me if interested! Thanks and good luck to everyone!
Hello, I am a reapplicant this coming cycle and I am wondering if it is recommended to submit both a reapplicant addendum and a Why X essay or to combine them? Any advice would be strongly appreciated!
... drop in grades because of COVID?? I'm not sure if ... imagine most people know that COVID probably affected some schools). I ... them read something else about covid.
... prompt, should you introduce the topic as though you are speaking ... 't know anything about the topic or as a response to ... at the beginning of the essay or just start with the ...
Hey everybody! I am struggling between what topic to use for my personal statement and how to structure it. If someone could please message me and let me know if they can help me with that. Thanks!
... disentangle your question about the topic from your question about the ... . Regarding the topic: you should write the best essay you can, which ...
Thanks for the help! Trying to decide on a topic and have a few ideas. One more question: is it possible to write an essay about a certain topic without it being grounded in direct experience?