LSAC finished processing my transcripts today so wanted to contribute to my own thread - my GPA dropped 0.02. Due to my institution counting A- as 3.7 instead of 3.67 and having a handful of those.
... that name on an index card. Write a concise explanation, defining ... . On the back of the card, write down the PT/Section ... number for reference. Pin the card to a cork board, and ... example, I’ve got a card labeled:
... that name on an index card. Write a concise explanation, defining ... . On the back of the card, write down the PT/Section ... number for reference. Pin the card to a cork board, and ... example, I’ve got a card labeled:
> ...
... a good month. The Flash card stack got bigger as whenever ... the front of the flash card, the stiumulus and then I ... occasionally add to my flash card set.
Only your graduating institution, though of course every institution where college credit was taken prior to a college graduation will count for the LSAC GPA so there is some impact on things that way.
At this point you will not get a refund. You can reschedule for a future date or get credit and use it by 2021. You can also withdraw up to 24 hours before the exam, but you will not be able to reschedule or receive credit if you chose the 24 hour option.