Yeah, I think that's fine. Curve breakers take longer. Once you start working on a comprehensive pacing strategy, you'll just need to earn that time on the easier questions which it sounds like you're already well on your way towards accomplishing.
... those core ideas be explained differently between different prep ... concepts can technically be explained differently since logic is ... but it can absolutely be explained with different effectiveness. J ... only to have it explained so simply and thoroughly ...
... , because it will throw the curve and they can't throw ... the curve. If you are strong on ... not going to tank the curve, and you have to trust ... test to create an appropriate curve. 77 G3 is super weird ...
@kmarie7 The curve is always reflected in such a way that the -13, for example, indicates how many questions you may answer incorrectly before dropping below a 170. So a -13 curve would make it so that 13 questions wrong would put you at a 170.