I think avg time taken per question by type would be at least as helpful as "Priority" in assisting studying. I have a custom spreadsheet showing marginal benefit of studying by type of question and would love to have the time data!
... (2) a bunch of other data. New and exciting this year ... of the most interesting ABA data for each school [here.](https ... -Law-School-Info-Doc_daa7untIi1o/ABA-Data-By-School_suNcb#_luyTb)
Hi, I accidentally deleted my stats from PT 88, when I meant to do 89. Is there any way to recover this because I want to include it in diagnostics or am I SOL
I deleted my browser history and cleared all cookies and data, but I still have the same problem. It works for few minutes then after few minutes of studying I get logged off automatically and have to log in again which is time consuming and annoying.
you can go to resources>> lsat analytics, then choose that preptest from the list. after you click on it, you will find a red button on the page that says "delete preptest data". after the data is deleted, you can restart the test.
I dont think you can filter for the ones you got wrong, just gotta go through the problem sets and manually check. If you deleted the pt data, i dont think you can get it back