It's amazing that a thread about runny noses has become so popular. Can't wait until I get the e-mail next week about top discussions in the 7Sage forum and see that runny noses rules the roost.
... there aren't hard set rules, any discussion of a game will ... />
1. Will the other rules apply pressure on the split ... me to use the remaining rules to push out actionable information ... not in love with conditional rules on grouping games which makes ...
... OP inplied that Indians disregard rules and that being from India ... a potential explanation for ignoring rules in a way which upset ... most other people on this forum. So basically, yes. It could ... in India lots of times rules about bringing cell phones into ...
... tab is found under the forum topic list. I currently have ... having to look through this discussion. Similar to how we can ... my suggest title, lol. > Discussion/Post > Comment?
But ...
Seeking Perfection, your discussion of the "I sleep without ... would like to push for rules that help us in these ... the sentence and avoid "lawgic" rules, but that position seems counter ... true, yet there must be rules to that context, no? It ...
... ;
> Seeking Perfection, your discussion of the "I sleep without ... would like to push for rules that help us in these ... the sentence and avoid "lawgic" rules, but that position seems counter ... true, yet there must be rules to that context, no? It ...
I don't have a question right now, but I just want to say....thank you for Logic Game Attach Strategy. (I don't know how many times I posted the link on this Forum!)