Hi I am 98% done with the 7Sage CC. I am ready to tackle the practice tests. Does anyone wantto study for them together in Gangnam? We can book a study cafe and use the room. We do not necessarily have to study the same thing
I'll be sitting for the March 22 LSAT. Iwantto be familiar with the most current trends in Logic Games. Which PT doi start at and work forward from? Thanks so much.
... comes tothis section, and I don't reallywantto move on until I am sure I ... a weakening question, but how doI differentiate a causation question from ... is a causation question, how doI go about solving it????
... going to law school. I’m not sure what todo anymore with really no ... to be accurate with only 3 passages. However, I can’t even do ... Ireally apologize for this mess of a post, I just felt the need to ...
... a test thus I can return tothis task whenever I try to fall into ... comparative passage because I am really, REALLY bad at it. I often miss the ... do you think about the plans above? Well, even I am not really ...
I just wantto say that this resource was life changing for me. I ... in December to 177 on my first official LSAT this June. ... to anyone who is a part of this community, please do not hesitate to ... reach out to me.
... get to the assumptions easier. Eventually, I stopped having todothis as I imagine I internalized ... author included something, which is really just asking what the function ... />
And before I go, I just wantto say to anyone barely starting off ...
... though Ireallywant a LOR from this Professor, I feel like I'm far to busy ... for me to stress out over this single LOR? Should I kindly ... ask him to write ... The thing about this professor in specific is I've known him ...
... from undergrad and I'm really unsure of how to start studying ... for the LSAT. I had wanted to ... start at the beginning of this month, but I ... having a tutor/class? I would really appreciate some advice :/
Hey guys I know this must be a common experience to many test takers ... that that question is supposed to be relatively easy), we just ... score. Do anyone has any suggestion when it comes tothis kind of ...
... to say the least. And I'm not sure what I can do anymore. I ... want my score to be (maybe like a 160 or a 165). Ireally ... wanted to apply to law school this cycle but that ... since I'm at a job that I hate and I just wantto move ...
... I screwed for having to take the February lsat? I’m very confident I ... spots being open. I’m applying to UT Austin (long shot ... I plan on submitting my application this month and choosing the option to ... what do y’all think? Am I screwed or should I be ...
... withdraw the exam until I feel prepared. Iwantto score over a 170 ... on the LSAT. Also, I will ... it is confusing. Iwantto know if I can skip to reading comprehension then ...
... trying to study for the LSAT in the afternoons and evenings. IREALLYWANT ... boat? Am I doomed or can Ido it ? Anyone wantto be study partners ... ? Be honest please ! I am willing to ...
I studied abroad for the Fall Semester, and those classes appear on my undergrad transcript as transfer credits (no grade, I just received credit for completion). DoI need to submit a transcript from study abroad? A bit confused by LSAC guidance.
I just took LSAT 57 - Section ... and Ireally don't understand how C can be correct. To me ... were wrong and C seemed to me like a big ... inference (i.e. both brush and ...
Any tips on how to answer this type of questions?#help
Iwantto start taking PT but don't know where to start. I noticed that drill questions are taken from PT1-35... do people normally even use these as PT or start from PT36?
... completed the section but I would like to review my answers ... and watch any explanation videos needed. How doIdo ... so if I did not input my ... on 7Sage's platform? Hope this question makes sense. Thanks!
... lessons. Ido not wantto waste clean, unused material before I can make ... until after I have completed all my lessons, or do you recommend ... Iwantto save as much material as I can for when Ireally am trying to ... hours a day and sometimes Ido not study on the ...
i did it already but now i heard about the new core curriculum for the august test and beyond. iwantto take the test after august so i will be taking the test without logic games
... schools. Ireally wanted to go to Fordham Law but I don't think I'll ... able to get in with this score. I know I could do better because I was ... ? getting scholarships is really important to me because I am paying for law ...
... in the towel? Ireallywantthis but I don't wantto be that sad ... doesn't happen this year, reapply to my top choice ... few I was too afraid to apply to but idk. Ireallyreallywant law ... school but I can' ...
... my junior year. I am writing an addendum to explain my 3 ... simple timeline of what I had to deal with? DoI explain how my ... priority wasn't my schoolwork but to my ... at college? I just wantto know the proper way todothis without it sounding ...
... a California resident, I would love to have a shot at ... me feel like I could do better. I am already signed ... up for June but I' ... m not sure if trying to grind this month ... and regardless I'm going to be a splitter. I feel ...