... approach to doing the initial read of the passage fast, ... to doing the first read much faster than 3: ... take 3:30 mins to do the read of the passage? < ... br />
Yes, my first read is very thorough. That's ... (assuming 3:30 first read plus 2 pargraph rereads 2 ...
Hi everyone, I'm going through the personalstatements now. If you submitted on or before May 8, I'll let you know whether I select your statement by May 15. I'm basing my choice on the needs of the course, so you shouldn't feel bad if I don't choose you.
... or wrong answer. Personalstatements and diversity statements are very personal application materials. Everyone ... use work experience for your personal statement instead, there will be ...
As for personal statement, just be you and ... 's all this advice on personalstatements as well. Just don't ... rehash your resume in your personal statement and that's it ...
There's a course on here for personalstatements? Well, well, well.. That is exactly what I have been looking for. I will definitely be looking into this, and from the review/comments above, I have no concerns about whether or not to go through with it :)
The company's objective is to "make a difference" for -most- customers by changing the writing. However, most do not read them, so they will be unable to achieve this goal.
I would love to swap personalstatements with you for editing!! I find it helpful to get many people's perspectives :) if you're interested, message me!!
... I will. If I do, I read roughly 3 lines ahead/behind ... />
4) For studying: read more stuff. I read dense stuff for several ... it on my phone and read at the bus stop, and ...
DO NOT take the test. You ... any school you want to, do not take that for granted ... said:
By the way, do cancelled tests appear on your ... of your 3 takes, but doschools actually see that you took ...
... ?). Not only do I read the casebooks, but I also read other supplements ... really help. Some people only read case-briefs (explained a bit ... you have so much to read & do is very hard, and ... lot of people ONLY read case-briefs (still read supplements) in order ...
Ok, thanks. I just quickly closed it and didn't see when the presentation about personalstatements was happening. Wasn't sure if I was missing some chat window button. Are all presentations/webinars uploaded to the discussion forum after?
@yimei I don't record the webinars, but all the content—aside from the questions I answer at the end—is available in the Admissions Starter course. Just scroll to the bottom of the syllabus for videos and written lessons about personalstatements.