I've been studying for nearly exactly a month at this point. My diagnostic, with quite a few very lucky guesses, was 162. I'm currently hovering around 164-165, and I'm a little frustrated with my progress.
Is this happening to anyone else? When I try printing RC practice questions from the CC, they are coming out really tiny. I tried printing from full screen as well and am getting the same results.
Hey guys! I just recently took my LSAT for the last time (out of three times) and I'm giving away some of my unused study materials. I have the LSAC official Preptests booklet for PrepTests 29-38. It is just the PrepTests (no explanations) and a few answer ...
I accidentally hit score prep test without Ann of the answers filled in and cannot figure out how to reset the score card so I can enter the answers fully. How do I reset it? Thanks :D
I went to pre-order this and it says the release date will be first week of Oct. Seriously not releasing this before the Sept exam??? Does anyone know why they would do this (besides the obvious money factor buying the other tests individually)?
Hi! So, when I blind review my answers and review the ones I did not get a chance to answer due to time, do I enter the answer choice in the analytics for the BR or leave them out? Thanks!
So I see that the live commentary for S4 is up for June 17 test. I am wondering when the PrepTest will be available to take on 7sage. I have Ultimate+. Thanks!