I'm doing the test in October, so this will be my first experience seeing everyone get their scores back. I have a feeling everyone did fine, and it wasn't as hard as everyone thought. #wishfulthinking
Admission with those numbers is not unheard of, but very unlikely especially for a non-URM candidate. Odds are you won't get into any T14 with those numbers, though T20 is a reasonable bet. If you're okay with that, fine. If not, retake.
That question gave me a headache when I first encountered it a long time ago. But @DumbHollywoodActor nailed it. Follow J.Y's principle with negating necessary and negating sufficient when indicators kick in, and you should be fine.
PT 65+ is where I noticed a switch of sorts... The writing is clearer but there are way more trick answer choices... Like a ridiculous amount of trick answer choices... Once you adjust it will be fine
Just go in order and you'll be fine. You need to learn to delay gratification a bit so don't start blowing through all the fun LG stuff, you'll need it later to break up the LR/RC monotony.
Thanks for your input. I'm very heavily leaning towards registering tomorrow. My only worry is that I'm too late in my studying to register for the course, but I think using all of September to PT after completing the course in August will be fine.
Which method do you use? Everyone is different so everyone uses a different approach. I feel that as long as you are able to complete each passage by 8 mins & 45 seconds then you are fine.