
Word Docs Hits
food 780 1.1K
labeling 86 94
regulation 31 41
of 106.3K 278.2K
a 135.7K 434.4K
type 7K 9.4K
that 103.2K 265.3K
does 16K 19.2K
not 64.9K 113.5K
ordinarily 20 24
contain 363 424
fat 150 264
cannot 3.5K 4.3K
be 76.4K 134.3K
labeled 144 155
nonfat 1 8
unless 3.8K 4.2K
most 19.2K 25.3K
people 19.4K 28.1K
mi 17 17
2121121121212 0 0
1 27K 40.7K

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