... or misunderstanding, but wouldn't the top 6 be ... since the better the school the better the job ... respect to law school. I don't think paying sticker ... HYS, where merit aid doesn't exist and it is needed ... 300,000. Interest isn't that high on student loans ...
"Learning doesn't progress logically, so that each ... experience occasional periods when the foreign language suddenly seems completely incomprehensible ...
... and Columbia (these don't give out fee waivers at ... all). I didn't get an auto waiver from ...
Berkeley for some reason doesn't have anyone manning their phones ... is literally the only school I have not applied to ... weeks. If they don't get back to me by ...
Canada doesn't have any joint JD/MD programs, although it's definitely something I've considered. However, I'm greatly deterred by the fact that I'll be stuck in school until my mid-30s.
... approval, and they don't even know if they have ... it was too late to send new document). This seems ... as in the past didn't the LSAC approve some aspects ... said she wasn't eligible. So she doesn't know if she ... what they said she didn't have enough support for.< ...
... school, but I think you can put this in if it doesn't ... with length: most AOs won't ding you for going over ... a page, but they won't spend any more time reading ...
... bust because they simply can't risk not getting a job ... up 100k+ of debt. Can't say that I blame them ... 50+ range who just can't attract the numbers of students ... out. Law school is expensive and the job market doesn't reflect an ... home's worth of grad school debt.
... purposes of rankings it doesn't matter for a school's median if ... that law schools just weren't using this feature of the ... schools realise their 25th percentile doesn't matter for their median. I ... don't know. Interesting either way. Thanks ...
... test, but it also doesn't help that this test demands ... my anxiety but I don't take it. I've ... remember that this test can't physically hurt you. ... 70%+ of your law school application. You know already ... your actual potential. Don't you think it would make ...
... t want to be away from school too long, so I don't ... want to waste any time out of school ...
Law school isn't going anywhere. Take the time ... you are woefully unprepared doesn't give you an accurate ... know it too. Life doesn't get any easier once ...
... know about the LSAT/Law school admissions? Have they done any ... stick figure, haha. The LSAT doesn't need to be your thing ... your dream is law school, it isn't going to subside. At ... gone to a great law school......but...." And when you're ...
... to a poorly ranked law school with terrible employment stats. ... take time off before law school to get work experience ... job out of law school. Something that doesn't often get discussed a ... to secure jobs after law school. Legal employers always prefer ...
... , which is the #1 Dental School in United States. During those ... wasting time. But he didn't budge. And now that he ... graduated from the top Dental school and makes a lot of ... that time. His family doesn't and he certainly doesn't. He is very ...
... the schools that won't guarantee accepting a Feb. ... must also take the Law School Admission Test (LSAT) ... getting into a T14 school, assuming your numbers will ... high. Certainly, not every school is as likely to ... a T14 school. I'm sure it doesn't help your ...
... . i'm Canadian-- we don't have tiered schools here
i don't think we have a school that requires a ... school system seems to make much more sense. Anyways, no, Yale doesn't ...
... from any Canadian law school and tuition doesn't range as much here ... based on the school (U of T ... 're interested in and every school offers something unique and has ...
... from any Canadian law school and tuition doesn't range as much here ... based on the school (U of T ... 're interested in and every school offers something unique and has ...
... from any Canadian law school and tuition doesn't range as much here ... based on the school (U of T ... 're interested in and every school offers something unique and has ...
... and write the thing isn't great advice because... well... ... re going through, it doesn't know who's writing it ... , and it doesn't particularly care (that seems ... your advantage. You haven't spent the last X ... to LSAC, to every school you apply to, and ...
... point, however, Skype doesn't work for those of ... as I know, Skype doesn't provide Closed Captioning, but ... with my local law school's (that I hope ... from the Fed, State, school district, etc. Believe it ... or not, some school districts are still grossly archaic ...
... or current students at the school who can give you more ... to a higher ranking/rival school, and using it as a ... very least, if 4th tier doesn't pan out to be what ...
... 28 and have delayed law school for 5 years now. Now ... my wife's medical school situation, but it doesn't make my anticipation ... />
I was posting on law school forums in 2012, and still ... schools, but not my dream school of UT Austin.