@jankley I don’t think there’s any question that there will be another Flex date to sign up for this summer! Haven’theard any speculation at all that they would outright cancel July. Has anyone else?
... However, my academic summary doesn't have the degree granted date ... be concerned that I haven't graduated. My school has approved my ... "conferred" on transcript can't be changed until this November ... completion letter issued by my school if I am applying ...
... the 2nd and still haven't seen a change in my account, I ... 'm almost sure I didn't show ... the entire test and didn't even remember by the time ... . I really hope this doesn't delay my score but you ...
... the 2nd and still haven't seen a change in my account, I ... 'm almost sure I didn't show ... the entire test and didn't even remember by the time ... I really hope this doesn't delay my score but you ... given the fact I didn't show anything on my desk ...
do we have to create a proctoru account prior to signing up for our test day/time? I haven'theard anything about this and I want to make sure I get the date I want because it is the only day I am available. Also, how do I sign up for ProctorU?
@VerdantZephyr when did you submit your app? I got my interview invitation the Monday after I submitted over the weekend. It's worth giving them a call or emailing them if you submitted on christmas and haven'theard back
I haven'theard but man I really want to know. I have to think it's very possible. I feel like it would almost be unfair if you made me take more sections this year than others (based on my limited understanding). Hopefully the entire year is standardized.
... say anything that you probably haven't read before but I could ... having trouble with or haven't done yet. But in general, NA is ... ones. And finally, at least in my case I no longer ...
@smarsh13 I haven'theard that. I hope they don't. To me that is what makes the lsat different than other test. But yes, 2 RC is worst nightmare for sure.
... first LSAT, so they didn't have much data on me ... officers view that, I don't know. I'm guessing with ... grain of salt since I haven'theard/seen any indication that score ...
... first LSAT, so they didn't have much data on me ... officers view that, I don't know. I'm guessing with ... grain of salt since I haven'theard/seen any indication that score ...