Navas, that is my plan, unless something unexpected happens with my score. From what I've heard from "experts", updating your score can call for an increase in scholarship and a boost in your waitlist chances.
Hi @stepharizona not sure which schools yet but a couple of full rides are tempting. I expect I will get admitted to some of the schools I'm on the waitlist & might choose one of those instead.
@as5324therapy said:
anyone ever tried using an offer to get off a wait list? Ex-school X (ranked 25) offers you a seat and you have 2 weeks to respond. School Y (first choice, rank 45) wait lists you.
Lolz you guys are funny. My brother in law is a HLS grad and practicing corporate lawyer and has full sleeve tattoos and front/ back. He doesn't go to court though and a long sleeve shirt covers them all.
Thanks, guys! I am leaning toward keeping the score. @stepharizona good point about retaking to get off the waitlist. That would be what, the February exam? June?