I would just retake them. Make a note on the questions that you remember the answer to, and adjust your final score based on how you see fit. I usually subtract 2 or 3 points from my retake score, depending on howmanyquestions I remembered
... argument be overvaluing the traits in the premise? Why might ... about howmany people in total normally cross with the light vs. howmany ... is just howmany people cross with or against in total to ... assess just how dangerous or ...
I tried to think of some clever way to respond to howmanyquestions I got since I likely got the real LG and then realized wtf LSAC the deed is done. Let's us suffer together
Can I ask why- if we can (generally) predict the outcome of our tests, based off of where we were PTing before hand, howmanyquestions we guessed on, and how quickly we ran out of time?
... before the exam, and howmany missed in each section? In particular, were your ... question is, how closely did you mimic test conditions in your PTs ...
depends on if it's interesting .... if it's a lot of fluff then it's too long. If you've only included things that are clearly relevant then it's fine. is it double spaced or single spaced? howmany words in total? mine is a little over 1000 words.
... balancing test: you balance howmany sub-game-boards you ... on the one hand against howmanyquestions are left (not counting ... not all questions are equal. Naked questions, i.e., questions without ... more heavily for splitting. Questions with additional rules are ...
... answer you feel 60% confident in and move on. grade that ... Maybe you missed a ton. In that case, increase your threshold ... to eliminate that nagging voice in your head which encourages ambivalence ... have enough time to debate manyquestionsin LR and score highly.
... self obsessed dudes talking bout how they don't understand people ... so I didn't. Howmanyquestions guessed: Got confused on first ... misbubbled like a good 7 questions. So had to go back ...