Unrelated to theories, but an interesting article nonetheless: http://www.nytimes.com/2016/01/12/opinion/making-a-murderer-is-about-justice-not-truth.html?_r=0
... article about it here: http://www.usnews.com/education/blogs/law-admissions-lowdown ... few examples here: http://www.top-law-schools.com/appendixf.html Hope that ...
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1.) Article about the predictive power of the LSAT: http://blogs.wsj.com ... the lawyer needed to understand: http://www.llrx.com/features/calculatingjustice.htm
There's also the Manhatran book that has them broken up by type.
The Cambridge printed book is still available on Amazon, although yesterday, they didn't link to it directly which was weird... But it's $100 used copies start at $45
If anyone is interested in fancy camera you should check out the Polaroid cube haha http://www.amazon.com/Polaroid-Lifestyle-Action-Camera-Stabilization/dp/B011OUS97K/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1457210170&sr=8-4&keywords=polaroid
Because you have to share Hermione sharing which house the house would be sorted into... http://www.buzzfeed.com/alivelez/hamilton-goes-to-hogwarts?bftw&utm_term=4ldqpfp#4ldqpfp
Oh yeah! I remember the answering machine one. It was a LR question and we’ve got to weaken the argument that voicemail is going to make answering machines obsolete! That was a tough one! And typewriters are cool again @twssmith . I really want this ...
Yeah @danielznelson , I'm going to look that up (always down for free samples!) as well as some of the teas you suggested. I never quite know where to start with oolongs since they essentially cover the entire spectrum of oxidation excluding 0% and 100%, ...