@cgracia12 said:
I was wondering what the biggest difference was between older and newer/more recent PT's? Which are more difficult? Are there certain sections that are considerably different? I have pretty much decided to postpone the February ...
@bswise2 said:
So I guess I'm just asking for cost benefit analyses. How important is physical exercise in your prep and do you foresee any catastrophic consequences if I decide to fully embrace the sedentary life? Do you think it's likely that the ...
@"Cant Get Right" said:
I've also known people in similar situations who've found a library or coffee shop after work and done their studying while waiting out rush hour.
@greg said:
(1) I'm taking crazy copious notes. I'll watch every substantive video at least twice, pausing frequently, to transcribe the content on paper in my own words. I'll print out any written material and read through with a pen and ...
@montaha.rizeq said:
On the contrary, this is the best approach to achieve mastery! Often times, people are either flying through the material not gaining an ounce of knowledge or jumping around the lessons trying to find silver bullets to achieve ...
@"Alex Divine" I am SUPER jealous of you! That is amazing-- good for you. I definitely would do that if I were able, but unfortunately it is not in the cards at the moment. Best of luck! You are also in NYC, right?
@lsat2016 said:
I scored 171 in Sept and went -0 in both LR sections. This happened after multiple takes and persistent effort. My diagnostic was around 130. I missed out on a high 170s score mainly due to virus game.
@lsat2016 said:
I scored 171 in Sept and went -0 in both LR sections. This happened after multiple takes and persistent effort. My diagnostic was around 130. I missed out on a high 170s score mainly due to virus game.
@islandersandyankees said:
If I need to take the september lsat because my June score was not what I want, how will I study for September? I will have taken lsats 51-81 by then lol. Like how would I study for the september lsat?
@lawschoolstuff16 said:
how do you do it? What motivates you to keep going? I've always been really good at doing well in school and having a great resume and performing well at work. I usually have a lot of endurance, but I can't help but ...
@"Shireen Bhatia-1" said:
Is it still possible to go to Law school?
Yes, it is very possible to still go to law school. Just need to do well on the LSAT which I am sure you are capable of! For now, I would focus on your GPA ...
@"Shireen Bhatia-1" said:
Is it still possible to go to Law school?
Most definitely. There's two sided scale for law school admissions. On one side you have your UGPA, Personal Statement, letters of rec, maybe a few other essays...on ...
@cm214998 said:
Should I jump right back in where I left off? Or should I start from the beginning and review the earlier sections? ! month and a half isn't that bad, but I feel like I may have forgotten a lot.
@cmapoma said:
When the hell are these scores coming out.
I am hoping we don't have to wait too long. It's possible to get them sooner than January 4th but no expectations! It's tough cause we're used to checking our scores on the ...