... 67 game 2 with the " ifbutonlyif " statement I did not know ... enough to only get 1 wrong in the set but I need ... to practice more. If anyone knows ... any games that have the " ifbutonlyif" rule please let me know ...
This has been asked before but for the sake of it I am asking it again. Is the statement "V happens if and onlyif Y happens" represented as YV (/V/Y). Thank you for the clarification
... sign, and started to wonder if it is interchangeable with "⇔/" ... "⇔/" is a negation of "if and onlyif", can we also use ... AC ????????
. If we have A⇔/B = /A ... ,/B (X)
. If we have AB, then but not both? I mean ...
3. … But not otherwise if butonlyif Chris(C) attends the meeting ... /But (mean the same thing)
-Alan attends the meeting onlyif ... . /A→/C] And/but If Chris does not go to ...
When a problem says: Grace helps move the sofa ifbutonlyif Heather helps move the recliner, do I diagram it as: GsHr or HrGs, or does it matter either way? Also are "ifBUTonlyif" and "if AND onlyif" diagrammed differently or the same?
... or, but not both
2. If and/butonlyif
3. … But not ... Alan(A) attends the meeting ifbutonlyif Chris(C) attends the meeting ... But (mean the same thing)
-Alan attends the meeting onlyif ... /A→/C] And/but If Chris does not go to ...
Double slash is part of ifbutonlyifif I remember correctly. A B is equivalent to /A /B.
Here is the lesson http://7sage.com/lesson/advanced-bi-conditionals/
And one more question, where can I find a list of terms that I can memorize for these formal logic conditions, (e.g. If/then, if and onlyif, ifbutonlyif, if yet onlyif, unless, not unless, etc.etc)
> @sarakimmel said:
> I JUST did a problem set with two games that had ifbutonlyif: PT45.G4, PT56.G1
THANK YOU SO MUCH ! you're the best :) gonna try them tomorrow
From a logic perspective (see below) I can't work out any meaningful differences, but I noticed that JY splits these off in his map of bi-conditional statements. Am I missing something?
... will go before J if and onlyif H is after M**. only if" is probably off. The correct ... -M but I don't understand how. I know that "onlyif" statements ... of "if" statements, but this is a rule I have only memorized and ...
... intensity of the game. If it is a simple sequencing ... make one chain and it only has 5 questions I ... on the easy is the difference between -0 and -3. ... split, now there is only 6 minutes for 6 questions ... extreme example but I hear it all the time, "if I only had ...
... on the RC/LR sections butonly got halfway through the ... know that in all likelihood if continual drilling of LG ... about doing it? Or if anyone found LR/RC came ... was actually detrimental? And if anyone thinks it's worth ... this is so long or if it all comes off ...