
Word Docs Hits
if 75.1K 133K
headstrong 1 10
is 101.4K 236.3K
the 162.3K 759.7K
only 25.7K 32.9K
cd 63 91
that 102.4K 263.4K
received 2.3K 2.6K
a 134.5K 431.4K
rating 110 139
of 105.4K 276.1K
two 15.8K 20.2K
stars 214 315
then 29.2K 41.7K
which 23.6K 31.1K
one 38.3K 55.9K
following 3.5K 4K
must 4.7K 6.2K
be 75.8K 133.3K
true 5.1K 7.4K

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