
Word Docs Hits
which 23.8K 31.3K
one 38.6K 56.3K
of 106.3K 278.3K
the 163.9K 766.1K
following 3.5K 4K
is 102.5K 238.3K
substituted 30 31
for 107.4K 223.1K
constraint 233 268
that 103.2K 265.3K
two 16K 20.4K
restaurants 64 80
must 4.7K 6.3K
be 76.5K 134.4K
seperated 4 5
by 26K 34.7K
at 49.3K 78.1K
least 9.5K 10.9K
other 22.4K 28.6K
business 1.1K 1.4K
would 48.7K 72.4K
have 76.2K 134.9K
same 19.5K 23.4K
effect 1.2K 1.6K

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