2) Pros If you are not sure ofthe question, you ... the materials. It is psychological so I am sure one ... the content, not on freaking find the corresponding line! So yes, I love the ...
... proud to announce the winner and runners up ofthe 7Sage 7K scholarship ... degrees.
The winner ofthe 7Sage 7K scholarship is Reo Hayashizaki. (Reo ... , chipotlelover888, FJ15, jtweedle, lalvarez16, and one student who wished to remain ...
... I completed 77% ofthe core curriculum.... Which is odd, considering that ... my progress was just about 2% ... half an hour ago. I then realized that Almost all ofthe ... lessons in the Syllabus was locked ...
**The winner ofthe 7Sage 7K scholarship is Jehieli Luevanos-Ovalle ... Hassan**, and one person who wanted to remain anonymous. The finalists will ... and every oneof you will do incredible things in the legal profession ...
**The winner ofthe 7Sage 7K scholarship is Alexis Boehmer.** Alexis ... will receive a scholarship of ...
**The runner-up is Liyu Woldemichael**. Liyu will receive a scholarship of $1 ...
... isthe left oftheline, 2isthe right, then it starts over on the next line. 1 2 1 2 ... to practice. The other major benefit of this method is that if I lose ... interest in the passage or if ...
... via tax. The US public health-care expense is ~5% ofthe GDP, but ... private is 7%. Thus, this 7% is tax ... />
Conclusion: It is incorrect to say that people ofthe US are "lightly ...
The winner ofthe 7Sage 7K scholarship is Webaza Nicholas who ... will receive a scholarship of ... />
The runner up is Justin Dunbar who will receive a scholarship of $1 ...
If your skimming ofthe other answer choices is half-hearted, then it is indeed a ... that one', because you made the conscious decision not to read the other ... justify my 'right' one" sense. They're not the same and shouldn ...
From November to the New Year I actually planned on specifically focusing on RC. The RCs in 40s over the course ofthe next 2 weeks is very doable. Note here* I have used everything under June 2007 as drilling individual sections.*
... separated by a line: oneset you never touch and the other you can ... />
2. **_Finding inferences, "the other side ofthe coin" and asking the right questions ... analysis ofthe question? The analogy I like to use here is that ifthe car ...
... get ready for the Dec. exam (or Feb if I'm not ... the packages. Which one would you recommend for 2-to possibly 4 months of ... studying? Because when I used the study schedule tool and chose the ... -- I'm a bit unsure ofthe perfect technique, do I first ...
... occurs) is linked to a general setof causes ( ... is preferred over the others” it’s wrong. The first sentence ofthe last paragraph (line ... the basis of our author’s argument. The last 2 sentences ofthe ... ’t the right answer. If you fell for oneofthe “feel ...
... feel like I'm posting oneof these everyday. So this ... I was pretty set on). So here's the scenario I ... contiguous 2. That the Caronian speakers must be the majority
... />
The negation of D is speaking to that second assumption I found. If they ...
... and Weakening questions are oneofthe four pillars of modern LR. I ... 2 answer choices ( and always seemed to choose the wrong one ... the right path to taking control of LR and your testing experience. If ... />
Kimberly Delano is inviting you to a scheduled ...
... of LG questions. First, look at each ofthe answer choices and see if ... any of them must ... be true. The ones that ... all circumstances. If either oneofthe statements isn't true all ofthe time, ...
... Do the layouts ofthe sections look just like the preptests (one LG ...
Also, isthe RC passage on the left hand side while ... the questions are to the right of it? I usually have only ~1-2 ... pages ifthe questions refer to a specific part ofthe passage ...
... can read the passages in 2 minutes or less....but in one sense ... that if I don't read closely enough I miss all of ... level which is required for the newer RC's faster...If I only ... key inference which is based upon some sort of detail I might ...
2. Logical Reasoning the main point.. got the judges reasoning... you're all set right ... there is absolutely some overarching goal ofthe LSAT! I don't know if ...
... with this one. I don't see how any ofthe answer choices ... is incorrect because the dollar amount ofthe people that donated to the campaign is irrelevant. The ... ? The passage never indicates that the rule given isthe only rule. What if all ...
How many in the room: About 60, with the ... on the weekend. The visitor lot is just a 2 minute walk from the law ... . If you want to sit in back, get in the back part oftheline ...
... />
Do you think section 4 is harder than section1?
I ... ...when oneofthe LR section is relatively easy, the other oneis kind of hard... Is this ... true? Or am I the only one ...
... to set up one's mindset for the test day; but what if something ... and predict the function ofthe sentences. Oh, here isthe study. So where isthe hypothesis ... />
2) slow down reading the first sentence of every LR stimulus. The beginning is what ...
... one practice test that was my 3rd practice test ofthe ... line).
I feel that I have the ... , with about 5, if not more time to ... usually 23 done comfortably, 2-3 rushed), and my ... negatively impacted your performance? Is this weird inverse correlation ...
... the answer, that the beginning ofthe stimulus ("The law") implies a bi-conditional? That isthe ... on really understanding the structure of this one - even if it is a bi-conditional ... .com/lsat_explanations/lsat-57-section-2-question-25/
... the passage quickly. For the second one (finding things in the ... line - then go back to it. If not, going back to the ... are set up in the same ... ofthe Passage 2) Primary Purpose ofthe author/ Primary purpose of ... is strengthening words (for example: something isthe ...