
Word Docs Hits
in 104K 240.7K
a 134.9K 432.3K
town 301 364
containing 187 199
tourist 17 20
attraction 36 44
hotel 283 413
andrestaurant 0 0
revenues 35 49
each 13.2K 17.6K
increased 920 1.1K
more 37.4K 55.7K
rapidly 74 112
over 14.4K 18.1K
thepast 0 0
year 10K 14.5K
than 24K 31.5K
did 20.5K 27.1K
revenue 82 124
from 42K 60.8K
the 162.7K 761.6K
sale 211 259
ofpasses 0 0
to 151.2K 557.9K
theattraction 0 0
which 23.6K 31.2K
are 59.5K 106.3K
valid 1.5K 2.3K
for 106.7K 221.8K
full 10.2K 13.4K
this 80.8K 147.1K
led 498 528
thosein 0 0
charge 337 365
ofthe 0 0
hypothesize 15 15
that 102.6K 264K
visitorswer 0 0

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