So given all the new restrictions on international students, for someone who's applying to US next year... Do you guys think it'll affect admissions if they see you are from outside of the states? I'm from Canada, eh.
... to be more accommodating for international test takers this time around ... any encouragement you have for international test takers since there's ...
Is being international (in my case South America) an asset in terms of diversity? Assuming that a candidate is completely bilingual (ie good writing skills in English) and has stats at the median or is a splitter.
hi, i was wondering what the available time range for flex tests was for the international lsat-flex in previous administrations! i'm in kst but please lmk the time range that you had in your timezone if you took the international flex!
... , the professor cold calls a student and asks about details she ... to eventually make this other student's outline into "yours" as ... , religion, etc. Ask any HLS student and they can tell you ...
I just got married during my gap year and my wife and I have the income one would expect of two humanities degree-holders with plans to go to law school—and a net worth to match. What kind of financial aid is likely for someone in my circumstances?
... . I am a non-traditional student (Finance major, started freshman year ... />
My **target school** is Florida International University (T100 school). It is ...
... is a proxy of student excellence. Its three ... tuition and therefore lower per student expenditures.
> ... > USNWR looks at student loan debt without appropriate context ... student loan debt. It also incentivizes the elimination of need-based aid ...
... help me to connect with student or alumnus (or you are ... a student or alum) for the following ... but still urgently looking for student/alumnus: **George Washington, WUSTL, NYU ...
I'm an undergraduate student juggling full-time work, full ... the 150s. As a mature student, I'm eager to avoid ... , or any resources that could aid in reaching my goal. Any ...
I'm registered for the April 2024 international LSAT but see that scheduling is still "TBD." Does anyone know approximately when LSAC will open scheduling?
Could anyone please tell me if/when they are going to announce the August 2024 testing dates for International test-takers? I go to university in the US so I need to know so I can coordinate my flight plans if needed.