... test is complicated and has so many different concepts to learn at the ... to identify the main claimthatthe author of the argument is making. This claim will be ... these ideas begs the question “why?”. Is there one claimthat feels like it ...
... this on people living in Iceland, therefore, the theory lacks the relevant evidence ... prove theclaimthat anyone who plays guitar, eventually develops arthritis”. The arthritis part istheclaim ...
... all have the desired weakening effect. Thatis, all other answers weaken theclaimthatthe tourists ... hypothesis.
(B) Thepeople who already have the passes use them to ... alternative phenomenon hypothesis.
(C) People are trying to save money ...
... that VIOLENT CRIME generally is rising; i.e. the citizen is making an unwarranted claim ... be denying thatthe city made progress, they would just claimthatthe progress has ... improved, such that less people die from violent crimes. This is a subtle ...
Manypeople forget that its a comparative selection. You ... just the least worst. You can also have several answers that weaken ... and answers that would be correct if the correct ... less likely to follow from the premise, and a solid standardized ...
... Glass. The premises tell us thatthe first connection is ingredients and the second is similar ... many workers was known to those many workers, and our arguer is proposing that ... it, and say that a lot of people knew how to make ...
... understanding of the material. I’m sure manypeople will appreciate the chance ... case study about market trends that I was struggling with. ... me out a lot! The writer was professional and delivered ... , well-analyzed case study that exceeded my expectations. I ...
... are taking the Feb LSAT, but given thatthe Dec test is only 3 ... a CIRCLE or BOX around theclaim, problem or important viewpoint, ... to that and then draw a line to the circled claim/problem/ ... viewpoint. If you find the Main ...
... as i begin the last passage and the last passage is just about ... passage that carries with it a lot of points. At the same ... time I've noticed thatthe first passage is consistently the easiest, in terms ... thinking isthat I'll be pressed for time right at the end ...
... the Logic Games to be remarkably easy and I've heard people ... say thatthe LG's have been ... not this a characteristic of the newer tests. What do y ...
... 1-50. I heard people saying thatthe logic games from PT 52 ... -61 are actually easier than the ... tell me whether or how the games in these PTs are ...
... 've been prepping to take the test in December in London ... .S. and outside the U.S. LSAT is different. I'd prefer ... to be prepping towards the correct ... actually different (asides from thatthe U.K. is undisclosed). Please drop your ...
Are people finding thatthe LSAT is harder in the 40s? I took some in the 50s ... and some in the 20s/30s and ... . I've taken multiple in the 40s and have seen my ... points. FREAKING OUT since June is super close. HAALPPP
... . Also, she told me thatthe LSAT score is a strong indicator of ... stated that I should go to graduate school instead and study public ... advocacy. By a matter of fact, she told me that ... easily find a job in public advocacy without a Master's ...
It seems as answer A is actually agreeing with Lee's argument. Am I incorrect by thinking thatthe question stem is asking for us to refute Lee's argument?
... the community feel and all the support on the discussion ... well. I think the Trainer is great for LR, ... but I am wondering about going through the ... I'm working through the LG bundle and seeing ... have been thinking thatthe Oct test is a stretch. ...
... G2 which isthe lizards and snakes game. That was challenging ... this game. JY makes theclaimthatthe 1st premise of this ... game means that each habitat has 2 ... do we know that if the rule just states ... "ignore certain elements of the game." How did you ...
... . However, the proportion of rich people in all of the political parties isthe same ... . For example, say that rich people are 1% of the population in all ... views. But, that isn't the argument in the passage. The argument isthatthe "possibility of ...
... is a symptom of a weakened immune system, then wouldn't that ... mean that symptoms such as stress then lead to or cause the ... immune system isthe sufficient and stress isthe necessary? And thatthe causal relationship is flipped ...
Considering that A and ... here's some info about the test if any previous takers ... ! Passage 4 (comparative) features the great economist Thomas Sowell (eat ... sheep in New Zealand while the latter features really dense ...
"Finding the conclusion" is as easy as ... />
I have noticed thatthe word "should" is as helpful as "thus ... (we should obey the law, the law says drive 55 ... is possible to use "should" in a premise but not in the ... conclusion, I have yet to find example of that ...
... it up to, my goal is law school. I'm trying ... below a 3.0. With that being said.. I actually have ... sites and forums, and some people say thatthe schools / LSAC rarely even ... take into account the personal statement or ...
lawlz so this question is a monster, but watching JY ... 24/
He explains thatthe larger argument pattern is:
A --> ... can't really fully understand is why we even need to ... accept thatis what we're given and prove thatthe necessary assumption is not ...
... part of me that still hopes that, given the recent flurry of ... short in comparison. With the exception of that one, **stupid** mistake, ... , it's clear thatthe main issue is likely just how disheartened ... .
... the astronomer's estimate? My natural assumption isthatthe farther the star is, the ... less bright it is. It seems as though the astronomer is ... and then infers from thatthatthe age discrepancy is therefore resolved. In ...
... Corey and he stated thatthe 'if true' is saying even though this ... that when I see the 'if true' that it is a hard fast rule thatthe ... LSAT is allowing ...