In case you all haven't seen this, someone updated the "Hilter Waits for his LSAT score" for this Dec test... It's a funny update if you've seen the old version.
More personality v. shorter length - Do admissions officers prefer a clean and concisely met minimum (two pages, for example) over a half-to-full page longer personal statement with more emotion and personal background to it?
The best way to get the relevant v, irrelevant thing is not to just read the cases but to use a commercial outline before the course begins! I swear those things are magic.
@Pacifico I just started watching How to Get Away with Murder today. My high school friend plays the character Khan lol...I don't like the show that much though; it's a bit soap opera-y. Much prefer Damages and Better Call Saul...
@rakinalikhan said:
Now i do whatever it takes to get my grades as high as i can so i can go above a 3 at least. in order to graduate on time to start law school by next august i basically have to do 2.5 years of school in 1.5 years.