Will taking the January test impact my admission chances at schools in the 70-130 US News ranking range? And will it lower the amount of scholarship that I would have gotten with an identical resume if I'd applied in November? Thank you !
- Matt
I have a couple of full-time positions and internships which I have put in the main experience section but every time I wasn't working at a full-time job or interning in college, I was still hustling to make ends meet but they were jobs like being a ...
... 0.04): For both ranking factors, schools received maximum ... consecutive year, the ranking includes two indicators that ... gt;
> Their ranking penalizes schools that help students ...
> The USNWR ranking formula disregards and discounts graduates ...
@K S it does exist and it is AMAZING! you can find it at www.7sage.com/lawschool
The instructor is different (Larry) but he has the same teaching style as JY (funny but serious).