ihave a question I just did the Distinguish Valid ... question is, during the test doIhaveto engage in how is the ... answer the questions? Because I am able to recognize the formulas and ...
Ihave trouble seeing if something is ... idea that this is important todo (conclusion). I know it's not ... sides equally is important. Why doIhaveto exercise both sides of my ... the fact. I want to really understand how to tackle these types ...
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I am wondering when do you start sending transcript to LSAC and get to ... know your LSAC GPA?
- DoI need to wait until I start ... year )and transferred to university (later two years), doIhaveto submit three schools ...
... sure if I am approaching them right: doIhaveto focus on ... the line reference specifically in the paragraph? Or to ... the overall passage? Or to its relation ... br />
I usually try to connect it back to MP but on ...
... I want by November so I can apply this cycle, but Ihave decided to ... to my professors to write my letters of rec and they have agreed. I ... was wondering- can i still create ... next year? Or doIhaveto ask them to send it next year ...
Do transcripts live forever on LSAC or doIhaveto re-submit every cycle i apply?Also, do recs carry over or must be submitted every year? i was going to apply, but decided to take a gap year.
... finding that with the load I would greatly benefit from taking ... the classes the summer after I graduate. I walk at graduation but ... summer. Can Ido that for law school if I want to start in ... the fall? Or doIhaveto be completely ...
When I applied to some tutoring places, ... they asked for an official score report. I ... not available." Does anyone have any insight on this? ... we took a Flex? DoIhaveto email LSAC myself? Will ... provide me with one? DoI wait a few more ...
I'm taking the test in August and I know LSAC said you must have your LSAT writing on file to get your score. Will I still receive my score if Ido the writing a few days after my exam, or doIhavetodo it before the exam?
... email from LSAC saying I need to complete my LSAT Writing ... deadline for online LSAC Writing? DoIhaveto complete it before my multiple ... , etc. at 7sage? I just have no idea what LSAT Writing ... is and what I am supposed todo ...
According to the LSAC website, starting with ... before the test administration. Can I take it in the period ... are released (Oct. 23 I believe)? Or doIhaveto take it preceding the ...
... second time around? DoIhaveto cancel in order to take another LSAT Flex ... I feel like I didn't do as well as I wanted, but I still have ... some hope I did well. I ...
I'm so excited to be submitting my applications! Ihave a question ... about CAS and my law school reports. I ... paid for CAS and have had everything on ... CAS law school report, doIhaveto wait until the school requests ...
... offer. Disclaimer: Ihave already decided where I'm going with ... duh I want you to review it, why doIhaveto email tohave that done ... ? At this point I was pretty ... students on there, I would have the highest GPA and ...
Hi, has anyone here taken LSAT Flex before and know how this room scan thing works? I know Ihaveto clear my desk, but doIhaveto clear my shelf and drawers as well?
... other hand, Ihave narrowed it down to two schools I would attend ... but I definitely know that I want to keep that option open. Ihave ... I know it's not an easy thing todo.. does anyone have ... makes me want to re-take as well. DoIHAVEto go to that law ...
... minoring in Japanese. I was just wondering if ... you took in undergrad? DoIhaveto impress them by taking many ... very impressive and I am trying to boost it up ... as much as I can before I ... fun History/Sociology classes to secure my gpa and ...
I received 24 college credits in ... high school classes that I was then allowed to pay a fee ... a few extra assignments to get college credit. DoIhaveto list these schools ... where I actually attended for undergrad. I uploaded all 5 transcripts to LSAC ...
... DoIhaveto complete my writing sample before the exam or doIhave a ... few days after to complete it? I saw ... in June you were able to ... but just want to make sure I don't miss ... on that until after I've finished the LSAT.
Hi!! I am wondering if I cancel my month to month subscription and want to activate my account again. DoIhaveto pay the initial fee again or can I just reactivate my account? #help
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When can I start my applications? I don't want to actually send ... them out until next fall (I ... want to matriculate in fall of 2023 ... ), but I want them started ASAP. DoIhaveto wait until my ...
What is the 10 minute break like? DoIhaveto keep the camera facing me as I go get myself a snack and stretch? I live in a studio so everything is one room except for the bathroom. Am I allowed to go into the bathroom? Thanks!!!!!!
I already applied to three law schools and they asked for a list of other law schools to apply to. I gave the list and then after submission, I decided to apply to more. DoIhaveto notify those law schools I already am planning to apply to them as well?
Is there a way to launch a specific section section( LR or LG) of an LSAT test and go through the blind review?
Or doIhaveto complete the entire test and then BR?
Thanks in advance