... and want to get that down to consistently -4 or -5 ... , but it just usually takes me a while to get to ... the translation drills have helped me to read more actively but ... 'm timed which can slow medown as a debate for too ...
I took the April Flex and have took over 15 PTs and numerous problem sets. I am still missing -8 to -13 per RC section. I have tried the low res and high res method which I believe slows medown. What can I do to bridge this gap?
I personally feel like 7sage let medown. I studied as much as I could working full time. I took PTs, did drills, and still all for nothing. What do I do?
and my two cents ...Manhattan LSAT reading strategy guide...though JY says that trainer is better, MLSAT did the job for me...down from - 10 to -1 to -3 on the tests
Thank you very much, that really helped. I just do some slow breathing now and it calms medown. I live in Canada and i have applied, just waiting on the LSATS for my final evaluation.