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I have reached the final logical reasoning question type: parallel or ... identifying all of the different logical reasoning ploys, i.e., reason ... explains all of these niche logical reasoning tactics?
... 're supposed to use the negation test to confirm the right ... the argument and passes the negation test!)
- negate the sufficient ... the argument and passes the negation test...)
So... how ... can I reliably use the negation test as a tool for ...
Sandraaaa, the negation test is not supposed to ... have NO bearing on the logical flow of the argument. These ... step that you apply the negation test at with any remaining ...
... trying to argue that the negation of 'sour' is sweet, since ... the negation of sour can just as ... of tastes, so a proper contrapositive of that idea can only ...
... contrapositive is not the same as the negation. Never forget that. The negation ... changes the meaning of your statement; the contrapositive's express ... same. The negation is one step in taking a contrapositive, but they ...
... because negation is part of the process of taking a contrapositive ("flip ... : All apples are delicious. Contrapositive: All things that are not ... . (Same as initial statement) Negation: It's not true that ...
... "ensure justice --> criticize experts" (contrapositive: no criticism --> no justice ... the (E) to its furthest logical conclusion, we get "citizens without ...
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• Identify the logical organization of the argument
• Errors in conditional reasoning: mistaken negation/mistaken reversal (confusing necessary and ...