Congrats on the score @"Rigid Designator" ! I just bought a new pack of Ticonderogas, but maybe I'll take the plunge for some Staedtlers beforetest day!!!
Not an expert, but I'd get rest and study in some public areas--not too loud but not silent and pack 1-2 days beforetest day so you don't have to do as much on the day of.
... drilling/review. The week before the test, you should go lighter on ... everything. And the day before the test, I recommend only doing ... is push yourself hard right beforetest day. It will up your ...
... you start stressing yourself out beforetest day even comes. I start ... and take one the night before the test because sometimes the stress ... water (hydrate profusely the day before). I puff my chest out ... happens. People at the test center generally talk to me ...
I have the Loophole book but I dont wanna make any drastic changes to my strategy beforetest day. After March depending on my score I might pick it up!
... br />
Start well beforetest day and try to schedule ... state of mind with your test time. Maybe pull your ... you on schedule for the test. Ideally that will make ... re on your game at test time, plus as a ... keep you up the night before, your sleep deficit (and ...
... I haven't taken the test yet (taking August 29th), one ... "cleanse" the day before the test. The day beforetest day, you know that ... the day directly preceding the test that would make you feel ... be to not give this test more of your psychological and ...
... diagnostic a couple of years before that but don't really ... taken in a PT.
> Before March/corona, I ... could usually only do one PT a ... to switch to PT on Saturday and PT on Wednesday before work because ...
I would take a break. I've heard people say that redoing a logic game that isn't super hard or you know well is a good way to keep yourself from feeling rusty and also not tire yourself out right beforetest day.
... started with the _first_ Flex test that was in May ... added a May Flex before doing another Flex in June ... continue to occur every test (just don't know ... anyone have that issue before and my room is ... our lights are bright enough beforetest day. And if they ...
... days of unusually bad practicing beforetest day. Just tried to do ... quitting studying about 2 days before because I felt like burnout ... crossed I did fine on test day. You'll do great ...