LR used to be my strongest ... RC have improved so much LR now seems to be what ... seen a TON of LR material: EVERY SINGLE LR question from PT ... section; my *average* for an LR section is -2.5 but ...
On LR, however, there's definitely room ... my weakest sections, LG and LR. I've been using 7Sage ... and effective way to tackle LR, but the book only just ...
... had any tips for improving LR and RC scores? I am ... getting -9 to -11 for LR, and around the same for ... sometimes miss easy ones on LR, but when I review, I ...
I am consistently missing - 6 on LR and RC, how do I close the Gap? I am retaking in November but I am worried that my score won't improve much if I can't close that gap.
Any suggestions on how to get better at LR? I struggle with NA and Flaw a lot, but the whole section in general is tough for me. Luckily my lsat is now a Flex, so I have some hope, but my avg is around 11-13/25. Thank you in advance!!
Would anyone be willing to review the May 2020 LR with me? There were a few tough questions, and I would appreciate talking with someone about them. I'd prefer to talk with someone who does well in LR.
... and then RC which leaves LR as my weakness and ... I have been targeting LR questions stems that I ... a drastic decrease in my LR performance once again. I ... to do besides taking individual LR sections and focusing on ... , I am aware that LR gets trickier or more " ...
... have the general gist of LR and am getting around -9 ... to sometimes -5 on LR which is big for me ... very tail end of the LR section that are meant to ...