... to start a career in law or even go to law school. I ... the law school forums and met a man who was a 50+ ... get into a great law school. If you go into a test ... worried you're not going to do well or that ... want 170+ esp with my gpa, I can't take any ...
... surf" said:
> Great GPA and LSAT score! If you ... a part-time student might enable me to apply for law school ... at the same time. Or maybe I underestimate ... the intensity of law school application. Do you ...
... have multiple majors isn't a huge advantage but the fact ... that your story is good or that writing itself is superb ... graduate schoolgpa isn't factored into the LSACGPA calculations. The LSACGPA factors all ...
... Yale admits that choose a more modest school still do pretty well in ... to go to Iowa, Texas or Fordham compared with Yale matriculants ... is only a slightly better chance since LSAT and GPA which likely ...
... Yale admits that choose a more modest school still do pretty well in ... to go to Iowa, Texas or Fordham compared with Yale matriculants ... is only a slightly better chance since LSAT and GPA which likely ...
... had aGPA of 3.7.
http://mylsn.info/sislgu/ Ora ... WUSTL as a peer which is a shame because normally aschool will match ... naturally(which I hope I do), sooner or later I'll be ... to get Duke, Michigan or some other school I get into to ...
How do the offers relate to your top 3 school choices? I like ... surf" links to. Maybe also doa very detailed budget and feel ... , like do you need to maintain a certain class rank orGPA and if ...
... ;
> > Law school is (largely) a scam and this is ... applying for a dual degree (MPP/JD), etc. to do so given ... GRE score (for example, HKS or Woodrow Wilson won't let ... applicant pool. To me, the LSAC should regulate law schools like ...
... ; > To me, the LSAC should regulate law schools like ... ; > > ...or the ABA should grow a spine. I was ... I actually meant ABA not LSAC. My bad on that ... who go to law schooldo so to practice law. ... the same way high school students do about SAT scores & ...
... ; > To me, the LSAC should regulate law schools like ... ; > > ...or the ABA should grow a spine. I was ... I actually meant ABA not LSAC. My bad on that ... who go to law schooldo so to practice law. ... the same way high school students do about SAT scores & ...
First, ... the T13 with a low GPA. And there's a lot to unpack ... and an opinion about a law school admissions consulting group is appropriate ... fabricated anything. However, I do think OP left out important ...
... be just fine in law school. The admissions people are ... trying to increase their school's rank. They can ... afford to ignore a bad LSAT score orGPA since those ... get an above median or above 75th LSAT they ... at LSACGPA and LSAT score. They only get a little ...
... be just fine in law school. The admissions people are ... trying to increase their school's rank. They can ... afford to ignore a bad LSAT score orGPA since those ... get an above median or above 75th LSAT they ... at LSACGPA and LSAT score. They only get a little ...
... be more like 154 or something). These are ... school. So if you start off with a score at or ... law schoola financially good choice. Depending on your GPA we ... entirely memorized how to do it. You will eventually ... doa whole section of 4 games in 35 minutes with 0 or ...
... be more like 154 or something). These are ... school. So if you start off with a score at or ... law schoola financially good choice. Depending on your GPA we ... entirely memorized how to do it. You will eventually ... doa whole section of 4 games in 35 minutes with 0 or ...
... must have been accepted at aschool you like at least, ... make a seat deposit at multiple schools the LSAC will ... t know if schools do that or if they are even ... which students did if LSAC isn't sharing? Seems ... benefit schools that participated or would it not be ...
... calculated me at a 3.1 GPA even though I ... for Candian Law schools. GPA matters alot more than it ... in undergrad. How do US schools weigh GPA? Doa lot of them ... look at your last 2/3 or ... system prescribed by LSAC. The 4 year UG GPA doesn't ...
... be very sure about the GPA condition and your anticipated ability ... the reality of the law school curve.
> ... you keep a certain GPAor lower the minimum GPA. They might do it. school, and give up at least ...
... decided to draw a picture on his or her writing response ... I went to the LSAC Law School Convention/Tour and attended ... they were rejected from the school (believe one of them ... It is what its called....a writing sample. Gives them an ... it! So don't do stupid!**
... . But if GPA and LSAT scores are predictive of law school success ... gender or ethnicity is inherently better suited for law school. I do suspect ... school with an upper hand. Law school is already a time crunch. Expecting a ...
... offer yet (meaning, aschool that either waitlisted you or that you haven ... the deposit deadline, if aschool gives you a new offer of admission ... grief for it, even though LSAC rules require them to allow ... they are not supposed to do, but this process is rough ...
... at a 172? I have a 173 but a sub 3.0 GPA and ... so am mulling over a ... foolproofing whole sections at a time. I would doa game section, watch ... scholarships on law school numbers sorted by either LSAT or scholarship amount ...
... lsac needing to change their gpa standards, the A+ thing is a gift *and* a ... matter whether it's a high Aora low A; you're good.
> My school had no A + grade available, but every ...
... someone on law school numbers has a 4.01 LSACGPA I find it ... .5, 4.0, 4.33 ora 3.0, 3.33,3 ... type system is harder or easier overall is a slightly harder question ... though whether it is easier or harder.
... lsac needing to change their gpa standards, the A+ thing is a gift *and* a ... matter whether it's a high Aora low A; you're good. a school that allowed A+ (which I got ... my others haha), to aschool that caps at A. But +/- were all ...
... whether attending a lower-ranked law school would be a bad idea ... the need to doa federal clerkship or work at a top firm even ... to Mitchell Hamline School of Law. With my GPA and LSAT scores ... importance/necessity of attending a top-tier school if I have ...
... you'll get great grades. Do NOT let the fear of ... reach out, but I absolutely do not think this should be ... your decision-making process. A great GPA is possible anywhere when you ... you personally. Don’t choose aschoolor major based on your law ...
... time there, that the school offered to erase history ... your undergraduate GPA in the law school application process or you would ... to succeed in law school and a better metric for comparison ... to your peers than your overall LSACGPA ...
... government and organizations, law school as a veteran, or whatever else strikes your ... behalf of the school in any official capacity, nor do I speak ... so-cal? What was your gpa, lsat and age coming in ... type who would enjoy building aschool's prestige rather than ...
... .
> What do we learn from this? a pretty big school so quite a few under 168 ... will be URM's, legacies, or have experience more impressive than ... students. But, fundamentally LSAT and GPA wind up being more important ...