@nye8870 you don't need to set up an account (and don’t pay for anything!). You only need to be able to attend a meeting. Great question! I’ve updated the discussion with a link to an FAQ provided by GoToMeeting on how to get connected.
Good morning,
When will the new schedule be updated. I see you have changed the days to Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. Thank you for all your help @DumbHollywoodActor
In case you all haven't seen this, someone updated the "Hilter Waits for his LSAT score" for this Dec test... It's a funny update if you've seen the old version. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CokqXWq7-Po
Whew got my score. On the lower end of my median PT range (which was only 3 points wide thankfully) which is pretty much all you can ask for with test day anxiety and what not! Still way way up from my diagnostic so thank you 7sage
Sorry I just saw the updated calendar and it shows PT36 Thur. I'm going to try but I work late on Thur so it's doubtful...but I'll get on one of these.
Hi. I am confuse. I looked at the June BR schedule and it says that 71 is this Thursday Jan. 28th but this posting is saying we will be reviewing test 42 on that day. Please clarify. Did I miss an updated schedule?
that sounds great ! Btw , i m Nikolas. May we spend half an hour to work on the following schedule at 6 on Monday ? Cafe bean on 32 nd street works ! And Let's confirm it on Sunday's night. Please keep me updated if you have any thought about the topic .