... are above a school's median, you can probably get in ... of these numbers above the median and the other below the ... median- then things get a lot ...
My GPA is 3.5ish so around their median. I've considered December but I'm starting a job next week and my finals are the same week as the dec lsat, so I'm worried that would be taking on to much stress.
@nanchito do you know if this list is updated? Because there are a couple of people on there who I know started law school/are in law school, and I wasn't sure if they were still offering their tutoring services.
Yeah, sorry @esteerose , for some reason it's giving me a link that's just linking everyone to their home calendars rather than the BR calendar. Trying to figure it out, but no luck so far. Will let y'all know when it's updated with the proper link.